DIY Fuming Jack-O-Lantern with Dry Ice

So you went and picked the best pumpkin in the patch. Now you’re ready to get carving! Are you bored of carving the average jack-o-lantern? Noble Gas Solutions is here to help take your jack-o-lantern to the next level this Halloween with these simple DIY instructions.

Materials:                        DIY Fuming Jack-O-lantern with dry ice

  • 1 pumpkin
  • 1 tall cup
  • carving knife
  • protective eyewear
  • gloves and/or tongs
  • warm water
  • dry ice pellets

Easy DIY Instructions:

  1. Choose a medium to large sized pumpkin. It must be big enough to fit a tall cup at eye level with the jack-o-lanterns face.
  2. Draw out a face you want to carve, make it funny or spooky! Don’t forget to make the eyes lower than the height of your cup so the gas seeps out of them.
  3. Carve out the jack-o-lanterns face and scoop out the guts of the pumpkin completely.
  4. Fill your tall cup halfway with warm water. Add some salt to the water to lower its freezing temperature!
  5. Place your cup of water inside your newly carved jack-o-lantern. The cup should reach higher up than the eyes of the jack-o-lantern.
  6. Using tongs, or thick gloves, place a couple of pellets in the cup of water.
  7. Close the pumpkin off to ensure your fog only seeps through the face openings of your jack-o-lantern.
  8. Stand back and watch your guests stare in awe at your spooky Halloween decorations.


This DIY Fuming Jack-O-Lantern is a fun experience to share with the family! Your final product will be a perfect photo opportunity, but so is the experience! Don’t forget to tag Noble Gas Solutions so we can continue to improve our customer experience.

Make sure to follow all of the proper safety tips before handling dry ice. Noble Gas Solutions manufactures dry ice every weekday at our Albany, NY location, walk-ins welcomed! Contact us for information on purchasing dry ice pellets for your Halloween festivities.